2023 Sponsors
Our sponsors play the most important role in our festival. We cannot thank them enough for their support. Please take a moment to click on our sponsor logos to learn more about them.






Liverpool Home Hardware & Furniture

Cosby's Garden Centre

Atlantic Superstore 
(Liverpool, Nova Scotia)

Marshall Burgess

Susan McLeod 

Scott Slessor


The Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society is a not for profit organization.The future success of our festival depends on the role of our sponsors and private donations. Through generous past support we have been able to continue to host the Ceilidh in Liverpool and we are very grateful for the role that our sponsors and donors have played in supporting us. If you are able to contribute to the Ceilidh's success, private donations are also welcome.

If you would like to make a donation to our Ceilidh, or if you would like to sponsor a performer or workshop, please send your donation to:



Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society
c/o Jane Atkinson
156 Bells Point Rd.
Port Mouton, NS
B0T 1T0

Please make your cheque payable to Liverpool Ukulele Ceilidh Society.

All donations will be recognized in our Souvenir Program. If you would like to remain anonymous please indicate this in a separate note with your donation.

If you would like to discuss your interest in making a specific donation, you can reach us by sending a message in our “Contact Us” section.  



Susan McLeod